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Art & Faith Conversations

Mar 6, 2019

Lectio Divina and observing the beginning of Lent with my guest, Summer Gross. Summer is an Anglican priest, a spiritual director and an inner healing minster. She describes her spiritual training and the desire for mystery that fueled her. We talk about the importance of creating space for silence and slow scripture reading in order to allow room for God to speak. In observance of Ash Wednesday, she shares with us a reading from the book of Hosea and we practice long pauses of silence. Join us on this special episode where we take a break from our normal rhythms and carve out intentional space and time for our hearts and minds to practice hearing the voice of God and practicing his presence. 

For more information on Summer and her meditations and teachings go to

She also shares readings and teaching on Instagram at

For the prayer she shares for artists and to participate in the Lent readings and contemplative video series, go to:

You can find all 6 weeks including the introduction to the Lent series I published